• Not at all! Group retreats are the best and everyone should do them if they can and want to. But even pre-Covid, we always advised that you do a personal retreat all by yourself. The feedback that you get from people at a group retreat is invaluable, but when you are alone, quiet, and in a space and place to listen to yourself, you won't believe what you discover.

  • You might surprise yourself. But, if this is you and you are really worried, we recommend going to a place like a small inn or bed & breakfast, where there are other people close by. And, perhaps ask a trusted friend if you could call her if you get weird. But, if you go with intention and some advance planning, you will have structure and expectations, and this makes such a difference. You can do it!

  • Funny you should ask. We just had our first in-person retreat with about 12 women in October 2022 in Beaufort, SC (between Charleston and Savannah).

    If you are interested in this, we would love to hear from you! Just head over to the contact page and send a quick note - it goes straight to Kimberly.

    Also, you can go to the In-Person Retreats page on this site to see what’s coming and to see pictures from past retreats.

    The purpose is to ease you into a solo retreat. We will suggest lodging all within walking distance of downtown Beaufort and then we will all meet for breakfast and cocktails/dinner. There will also be an HQ during the day if you are stuck or have questions - we will be there to help!

  • Well, you can, and it’s fun, but we don’t recommend this as a place to start. We know couples who do them together and business partners who do too. The thing is, that's not really a personal retreat.

    Next year (2023), we are creating add-on guides and resources for just this - when you are doing a personal retreat with someone else. But first, do one on your own. It will make the one with a partner or friend even stronger. There's nothing wrong with doing one with someone else - it's just not a substitute for a personal retreat.

  • I used to say no - a retreat at home does not provide the same benefit. I still believe that but I know after the last couple of years, life has changed. Perhaps you need to be close to family or just aren’t comfortable traveling. My first suggestion is to find a b&b or Airbnb within 20 minutes or so of your house.

    But if that doesn’t work for you, you can do this at home - it will just require more structure on your part and will look a bit different. Look for a blog post on this soon!

  • It's another one of the things we are thinking about. If it's something you would like, please just send an email to kimberly@mypersonalretreat.com and let me know your thoughts - I would love to hear!

  • Actually, we rarely recommend that you do this. Because you are away from home, perhaps staying in a vacation rental,or going on walks, you will need your phone for security reasons alone. There is a blog post that talks just about this. But in general, just do what makes sense for you. Once you set your intention (that is in the Workbook), you will have a better idea of your boundaries around tech.

    But we do highly recommend you walk away from certain digital communication during your retreat: the news; television; social media; texts, email.

    Writing in an actual notebook seems best for most, but if you are a laptop girl and your focus is productivity - bring your power cord and go for it.